Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage Therapy is defined as the mobilization of soft tissue (such as muscle, fascia and body fluids) to restore normal systemic and bio-mechanical/functional use. It can be used to assist in the treatment of most musculo-skeletal and associated problems, and regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy results in improved circulatory, lymphatic and neurological functioning.

Therapeutic Massage can be used for:

  • Health maintenance and/or health promotion: Promotes general tissue health and encourages lifestyle and general health awareness
  • Stress management: Helps relieve associated muscular tension and encourages general relaxation
  • Post-operative care: Helps reduce recovery period and speeds up elimination of anaesthetic, as well as reducing pain and stiffness associated with bed-rest
  • Emotional and/or psychological disorders: Releases endorphins that help to uplift and reduce depression
  • Chronic pain: Helps break the “pain spasm” cycle while reducing associated muscle tightness

A therapeutic massage is a 60 minute session that focuses and uses different modalities to achieve a goal. After a client interview a treatment plan is created that addresses the areas and issues of concern. This takes 5-10 minutes.

During the treatment a  variety of techniques are used  – such as myofascial release, swedish massage, trigger point release, NMT, craniosacral therapy, MET, visceral techniques, joint mobilizations, range of motion and mild stretching – to achieve the desired goal. At the end of the therapy session a reassessment is done and exercises will be given to help with the ongoing treatment plan.